Now this is going to sound stupid but for the last dozen times I have been having nightmares with my bigshot, it was missfiring really badly. Throwing the line all of 20 feet. Sometimes it would shoot sweet but only one out of 4 times. Searched this site but no joy. REALLY frustrating.
Tried adjusting rubbers, how I released, how far I pulled it back, how close to the pole I held it, which way I put the bag in, etc etc etc.
After much much much much messing around it occured to me, the last time it was working great we were doing really tall trees over a tennis court and broke the seam on the 2 throwbags when they hit the court a bunch of times, so I taped them up, which effected there shape which effected how they were exiting the pouch. VOILA! Problem found.
Tried adjusting rubbers, how I released, how far I pulled it back, how close to the pole I held it, which way I put the bag in, etc etc etc.
After much much much much messing around it occured to me, the last time it was working great we were doing really tall trees over a tennis court and broke the seam on the 2 throwbags when they hit the court a bunch of times, so I taped them up, which effected there shape which effected how they were exiting the pouch. VOILA! Problem found.