everyone should own a 346xp

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Jun 13, 2002
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orange county,NY
if you do not have one yet, run out and buy one today.....what a killer little saw. wed i picked one up with a 16in bar 325 chain. i just want to get a few tanks through it before i send it out to be modded and changed ove to run 3/8 chain.

i also hooked up with marky yesterday and borrowed his 346xp ehp running a 16in bar and 3/8 square ground chain. today as part of a job i pulled over a few tall skinny gum tree's. when bucking them up the 346 ehp beat a 288xp lite with a 24in bar.

i'm totaly impressed. it will definitely be my new climbing saw for big removals.
A 346 goes out on every job, along with a 200T and usually a 372. It's a good piece.
Used on yesterday for finnish up a job. The STIHL AV20 had run blunt and was being a general pig as they are. This thing was great, cut through the silver birch like butter.

Only thing i don't like is the out boad clutch.
Ken that particular 346 is a ringer. I had to run my 026 Artic today just to let me know how well the 346 can perform. Way to go ED.
what a sweet day i had today......3200.00 on the ground and i was pulling away to head home at 10:25am. thats why i prefer to work at a day rate instead of getting paid by the hour. :)
the saw of markys doesnt have a pipe etc??looks stock?im suprised at how well built they are.mines (stock)is running 20"3.25 it runs it easy, very very nice saw to use im up for another thats for sure,the satock bar didnt last the first chain out.
That 346 is the best all around saw for woodticking around. I have one with me now as we saw. The one it got off Jokers and put the KD jug and piston on it with the EHP alcohol muffler. Anyway, I bought a muffler today in Whitehorse so I don't start any fires. I have already outcut an 090, 2171 and 371 with it so I'm really feelin' like the mang up here. Since I'm Canadian and have no gun, it is coming in handy for scaring off predetors like grizzlies and Wolverines.
Yup, everyone needs a 346 like Ken said.
I like the 346 alot, along with the 357/359 saws

most of the climbers up here use a 346 in the tree, very few use a 200 T or a 335 /338.
Rich we will see, Dolmar is now being sold here in Canada through Power Source. But it better be pretty fast if it is going to run with the 346
ehp said:
Rich we will see, Dolmar is now being sold here in Canada through Power Source. But it better be pretty fast if it is going to run with the 346

How much can the 346 be improved upon???

In stock form............maybe a little. In modded form I just can't see it happening. But then again I may be wrong!!! :Eye: :Eye:
Ive got one and it is great.Just what do you do to it there,EHP ,to get more out of it?Do you gut the smog muffler?I was told to leave the 325 chain on it for torque reasons,as it can spin it faster,thus cut so well.Sage advice ,or is there another way?
a_lopa said:
any chance of a mpeg of markys saw?sounds like it hauls

sorry but i can not post pic's or video of marky's saw with out written consent from marky and ed.......not implied but written. fax is not acceptable.
ive got an mpg of me whooping this guy.

i bet my 346 would whoop markys ;)
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