Filing into the straps...

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Originally posted by homelite360
whell i think it is a fact of life when you file a chain that far
well I usually run mine till I'm just about on the cheat line. Idunno if I'm doing it right, but I try to keep my file from digging into the tie straps that much. I try to keep 20% of the file diameter above the top cutting surface. I do 'polish' the tie straps with the file though, but not that much.
Your chain isn`t used up until you`ve filed back that far and then some! It`a amazing how good that chain will cut if you have the rakers right. I have had more than a couple people laugh at some of my chains until they see them cut. Filing into the straps isn`t a big issue if you don`t create stress areas. BTW, I`d say that Gypo has finally arrived as a chain filer, his example looks like an Art Martin chain. Russ
You mean Art Lambert chain :rolleyes:,I really would'nt worry to much about filing into them a little bit just as long as you don't file into a rivet :( ...

Later Rob.
I've always ended up filing into the straps towards the end of the chain's life, and it's never caused problems. I also carry on filing beyond the little line, and the chain carries on cutting. I change the chain once the cutters start breaking off.
Thats incredible, it must take some patience to file a little nub like that Gypo. I gave up on filing chains that far, I usually go 50% and cut and spin a new chain.
I liked the picture of the tooth you posted. Does plagiarism include chain filing? Also enjoyed the message that you left on my answering machine about the sharrrrp chain that you needed with 237 drrrrive links forrrr some Douglas firrrrrrr. It probably would take me a little over an hour to complete.

Art Martin
Hi Art, you caught me red handed! Yes that is your cutter from the chain that won the race in Clearwater on the KD 084.
I have been playing with my Sure sharp grinder, but I still have a bit of a side beak. I will practice till I get better though.
Had to turn my monitor all the way over to see that one, but looks good.

:D :D

Looks like your getting the hang of it.
Here ya go Jim. Is this better? I cropped out the white, flipped it and made it a little bit larger.
Hey Gypo

Was the Oregon chain initially round filed?

Then you grinded it to a partial square file?
Hi Don, ya, it was originally 73LG, trying to make a 73CL? Just a matter of cleaning out the gullets and getting the corner in the corner.

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