Finally got me a Silver top! Story inside.

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Dec 15, 2008
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FORMERLY Manyhobies
Well....I've been wanting a silver top for quite a while. I remember local loggers using silver tops (I don't know the model, I just remember the round air filter) as a kid. Since joining here in Dec 08 a silver top has been on my want list.

Here's my first post on wanting one:

Okay...when I open up my garage tomorrow I'm going to be hoping that my little 49sp grows up to an 80 silver top!:greenchainsaw: :greenchainsaw:

Here's another thread where I was looking at one....(this one might be still there.....haven't checked....junk yard changed hands just a few months ago....I should check it out again):

Well...over to the wood cutting forum....I posted about cutting a soft Maple in Zumbrota MN. In that thread...I posted this post:

Thanks to all who are going to make the drive to Zumbrota to help cut fire wood!

Would anyone that's coming have a Jonsereds 621? Growing up, this is the saw I remember local loggers running. I would really like to run one of these saws! Some day....I would like to get one....
Which at the time I didn't notice that user tmurph had clicked 'liked'.

tmurph shown up to the cutting. He brought out a Jonsereds 621 to show me. I looked it over and did start it....but didn't want to look too hard because I didn't want to get too attached when the saw went home....I leave the saw set. We all went about cutting as you can see in the pics. tmurph had also brought his splitter as ours is/was not running. At some point he brought the saw over and really wanted me to run it. I started it and did a fair about of cutting with it....but still didn't want to get attached because I believed it wasn't staying. After a while... he said that he had to get going. I helped him hook up his splitter to his truck. At this time I had forgotten about the saw. Just as he was just about pulling out he informed me that the saw was mine! I was speechless.....but did manage a 'thank you' and a firm handshake. I was in disbelief! Still am a little bit!

We continued working. tmurph showed up again saying that he had forgotten his jacket. Then he handed me a new chain for the saw! What a guy! Check out my sig!

Okay....I finally have my SILVER TOP! Anyone know where I can get the anti-vibe rubber? The ones on the saw are really soft and aren't doing their job. I've searched and the suppliers that list them are out of stock. It also needs an exhaust gasket. The muffler was loose because the gasket was broken. (the anti-rattle/back-out tabs were still bent over). It's also missing the top handle hand guard.

I haven't checked the compression. The piston is lightly scored on the exhaust side. Probably could use a set of rings. All in due time.

Anyone have a picture of what these looked like new? Was the silver shinny?

This is my story and I'm sticking to it! Thanks for reading!

I haven't taken any pics yet.....I know.....but everyone knows what they look like....


Here are a few pics. the black top is a 621 and the white top (painted) is a 80. The 80 is a disaster internally but the 621 has a bright future if I can find some parts.
Well, I got around to cleaning the saw up a bit and took a few pics. Too bad one can't edit their post after a while or this would be in the first post....oh well it is what it is.....


My 49sp lost it's hand guard.....(I told it I'd replace it.)


I couldn't find the correct gasket material around me so......Can you see an exhaust gasket in this gasket?

YEP! It's in there! :hmm3grin2orange:

Here's a vid taken with my cel. IMO....that little thing does a good job....the saw kinda sounds right in the vid too! LoL!

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