Well it finally arrived today. I got the new cord in the mail I was talking about. I can't climb on it yet but I have been tying a few hitches to see how it grabs. So far I tried the french pussic and few of my own versions of it on some new fly and it wouldn't grab. If you set it yeah it grabs. It does however work really well with the distal and similar hitches. Perhaps the french pussic would work with some half inch 16 strand. I know though for a fact it wont burn, I took a lighter to it and it took the heat. I just got all kinds of new gear and can't go out and test it. I did buy a KDX 200 dirtbike and putted around the yard on that today. I figure the bike would be good rehab for the bad shoulder. I plan on going back to work on Monday but I don't know if I will be able to climb at all.