NY State has a form to move firewood .
Self-Issued Certificate of Origin for Transport and Possession of Untreated Firewood In accordance with ECL Part 192.5, Firewood Restrictions to Protect Forests from Invasive Species, persons who cut and transport Untreated Firewood, from a New York source, for personal use must complete and possess this Self-Issued Certificate of Origin from the Department of Environmental Conservation.
1. Name of transporter:
2. Street Address, City, State, Zip Code:
3. Origin of transported firewood (Village, Town or City):
4. Destination of firewood being transported (Village, Town or City):
5. Approximate volume being transported (cords, face cords, cubic feet, truckload, etc.):
I understand that this Untreated Firewood shall not be moved more than 50 miles from it’s origin (the village, town or city where the trees were grown, as determined according to the regulation). I further understand, under the regulation, that no person shall transport Untreated Firewood into New York State from any other State or country. I hereby affirm that under penalty of perjury that information provided on this form and all attachments submitted herewith is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the Penal Law. Printed Name of Transporter: ______________________________________________ Signature of Transporter: __________________________________________________ Date: ___________________
I keep a few in my truck because I have to go through state lands when I bring my wood out of my land the DEP and DEC police are everywhere since NYC water supply is very close . Out of state wood is not allowed to be brought into the state . My understanding is that treated/kiln wood or commercial loggers there is no restriction