I am not a climber, but a friend of mine that I cut for wanted me to limb up a decent fir (30" dbh & 100' roughly) for a "view shed" to the river below his house. I grabbed some old spurs my dad had from way back, a belt & rope, and few things and decided to do it. Not too much advice from my dad, but how to climb and get down. I started up and down a few feet for the feel of it (10-15') then hooked up the little Husky and went up. I made it right to the desired 55-60' mark and was pretty stoked. Climbing is something I want to get into for side work from cutting timber and tree removals. I actually know a guy who climbs and thought about doing some training with him, like roping techniques, other methods, safety, etc. How much denaro are we talking for a decent set of spurs (that don't break your legs like antique logging spurs with rotten foam and indoor/outdoor carpet for supplimental padding) and rope?