it's sad when winter was warmer than spring to be! "THANKS " ! to global warming.... BUT, it may warm up after all the ice caps are melted away? lol "THANKS" to green house gas's! .... BUT, we all may melt our fat azz's thin for better health? " THANKS" !! BUT???? >>>>>>
Appears I'll be tossin' wood in the furnace most every mornin' for the next couple weeks... likely an evening or two depending on sunshine.
Still... can't complain, pretty much "seasonal" weather for 'round here. I'm burnin' whatever "junk", scraps and whatnot I have layin' 'round, may even cut some half-punky blow-downs this weekend... likely be burnin' on-and-off through April. This time of year a fella' can easily make the mistake of over-loading and convertin' the house into a sauna... "lessor" quality firewood reduces the likelihood.
One thing I've learned this season... burnin' that "free" dump truck load at the beginning... Box Elder, if solid, well seasoned and bone dry, actually has a place in the supply (if well seasoned and popcorn-fart dry it don't stink when burned... go figure). I won't specifically target it, but I won't automatically be throwing all of it in the slash pile anymore either. It provides some quick heat in the morning, but burns up fast so the furnace ain't heating later when the sun comes up and things start warming up.
Yup more "seasonal" weather coming our way too. Highs in the 40's, lows in the 20's and a little snow/rain coming too. I guess we've been lucky to get over two weeks of really nice weather like we have.
Yup, it's snowing as we speak. No accumulation is forecast. But it is pretty to look at. That's the kind off snow I like.
Good to finally see some warmer temps for a change. Recently started burning from a stack of old sweetgum that I was hoping we wouldn't have to touch this year. The winter was brutal, we burned through 4 cord we had laid in for the season.
Spring is definitely not here in Mass. Been pretty much around freezing the whole week here. Oh and guess what? Snow coming tonight, 1-3", kind of all set with this winter. At least we broke the record though, would have been a shame to come up less than 2" short.
Yay, spring, whoopie! Yesterday I could see the ground, today I had to fight the rampant idiocy home (only three detours and 2 4wd SUV's that I could see off the road this time), and everything is white again. I'm just so friggin' happy.
Yeah...tell me it's Spring....and how pretty the snow looks in the country!!
Snowing like a b&%$, I was driving my daughter to work. No grits... in 4 wheel and going slow, just slid off in a downhill curve, totally unresponsive due to road conditions, missed everything except a stone wall. Air bags didn't even deploy, but there's lots of undercarriage damage. Probably a total. I don't have the cash for another car....
This was paid off and cherry shape, garage kept.
I'm glad...real GLAD no one was hurt (seat belts), but this is my first accident ever in 67 years!! Never even had a fender bender.