I was given an old Husky L65, and told it was "a bit hard to keep running". It had great compression and started up easy after I cleaned it out, but it was indeed hard to set a low idle that wouldn't promptly stall.
I did my very first carb kit on it, and now it idles way too fast, even with the idle screw backed all the way out. I've checked everything I can think of and everything Dr. Google has suggested. I'm here looking for suggestions on what to check next!
Here's what I've checked:
- blocked the intake and outlet with rubber and leakdown tested (through the plug hole; there's no impulse line). Pressurized to 10psi, it dropped to 7 in maybe 2 minutes. I'm not set up for a vacuum test yet, but I will if that's indicated.
- triple checked order of gaskets, diaphrams, and flapper membranes
- pressure tested the new intake needle (and verified length/throw is pretty close to that of the old needle)
- carb is a Tillotson HS, the metering lever is supposed to be level with the flat surface of the carb. Bent it down 1-2mm below that, no joy.
- the throttle butterfly *appears* to be seating correctly
What else can I check? It feels like there must be air getting past the throttle butterfly, but how can I test (and/or fix!) that?