Depends on what your purpose is. If you are going for a vase, or semi vase orchard style, then the major limbs for scaffold get done in the winter with sprout thinning in summer. This is what I got from Bartz Orchards in the Metro are.
As an aside, they say they get better sprout angles off of stubs, if trying to start new scaffold limbs, then with collar cuts.
Spring is the worst time due to fire blight (FB) activity.
I think it is when temps get over 55 is when the pathogen gets active. Can't remember the upper limit, but dry days are best.
If doing a thin on a landscape apple, then anytime that FB is not a concern will do. On the heavily over grown ones where extensive thinning of large vertical sprout limbs is needed, I try to sell it for ann annual cycle for 3-4 years so the tree does not get too stressed. Evenly thin sprouts and tips by ~ 10 -15% each year, w/o hitting any limb to hard. Leave smaller sprouts around new wounds to try to supress new sprout growth, vs stimulating it by stripping everything off.