Full wrap handles

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Bill G

ArboristSite King
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I tried to follow regulations and I posted a request in the used equipment forum. It got some views but no responses. I will try it here. It it is in the wrong area then pull it. I am looking for a full wrap handle for a Husky 3120XP, Stihl 084, 044, and 038. You may laugh but I really would like one for the Homeliite Super EX ans SXL/XL-12. Yes they do make them. There were severall on ebay that I missed. Please I am looking for honest prices and used is fine. Most people hate the western wraps and cut them off. If you want dealer price for a used handle then I will just give my local dealer my business.

[email protected]
In this same line, anyone have full wraps for a Homelite XL-700/800/900 series or a Jonsereds 111? My SXL-925 came set up for a wrap, but the previous owner cut it off. As far as the Jonsey, I'm sure there are ways I can make it heavier...
Originally posted by Bill G
I tried to follow regulations and I posted a request in the used equipment forum. It got some views but no responses. I will try it here. It it is in the wrong area then pull it.
It's about chainsaws. I'd imagine it would go on the chainsaw forum. The items that get moved have nothing to do with chainsaws.
If you want dealer price for a used handle then I will just give my local dealer my business.
Overall, I tend to sell items too cheap rather than too expensive. But even if I had one of these handles, I might be hesitant to contact someone with this attitude. I'd rather throw it away than be dealt with like I was a potential con artist. Perhaps you can email JustDavid on E-Bay, he might have one and you will be all prepared to deal with his attitude.
I know a lot of guys with used parts collections who only sell at near dealer prices. I don't view it from con artist perspective, it's just that I'd rather rather earn brownie points with a dealer if I'm going to shell out that much.
Sometimes there's another way to look at things like that, too. Suppose I've got the last full-wrap handle for an XL-12/SXL in the area. Dealer price was $10, retail $15 back in '70. What does that equal today, What is its true worth?

I won't pay more than $13 for a 72-link loop of 73LG, because I can get all I want from a local dealer for that price. Suppose I want a loop of 1/2" full chisel for one of my old Homelites?

The worth of something is usually based on an agreement between the one that wants it, and the one that has it.
John had it correct.

I do not see any reason to pay the same for a used item that I can buy new from my dealer. He treats me good and I like to give him business. The reason I am looking to buy used is to simply save money.

Eyewolf I agree with your premise about a item that is not available anymore. If it is not available then the price is simply determined by how bad you need it. In this area 4020 John Deere tractors are selling for 2-3 times what they did for new. A went to an auction yesterday to look at some timber ground. It sold for $5000 per acre and had just been completely loogged in the last 60 days. Once again no more land is being made. As for full warp handles for a 3120 they are still available and a used one should not cost more than a new one.

Treeclimber I have had people tell me they will sell my a used item above new price so I wanted to carify what I was looking for. I do not see that as treating you like a con-artist. If you took this as a bad attitude then you took it wrong. As for Justdavid he is screwing ebay and someday they will put a stop to it. Take for an example an item that costs you $3 to ship. If you sell it for $10 and charge actual shipping ebay gets comission on $10. If sell the item for $6 and charge $7 shipping you get for money and screw ebay. He is no different from the guy selling pistons for $1 and charging $50 for shipping. I have not bought from justdavid and I will not.

dumb question

ok...I have a full wrap for an 084 used, I will trade it to you Bill G. for a local pub tshirt. Now my question is, does the full wrap, right side ie:sprocket side, bolt to anything? The handle I have wraps all the way around to the bottom but is lacking a bolt hole on that side..It appears it was wacked by a few chains being thrown. I dont know anything about 084's having only ever worked on one, which is a 3/4 wrap...I would post pics of it, but my other comp is still down and this one doesnt have a USB port.

PS. I normally charge 50% of list for used parts as long as they are in good working order, and the customer pays cash:D(dont tell the govt though.)
I also have a 3/4 handle for an 046...is that the same handle as the 044? (you can see my ignorance of Stihl parts coming out). Cant help you with the Homelite handle and the 3120 new here is 147.00 cdn..WOW!! roughly 95usd...