Gas Tank Gasket

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ArboristSite Operative
Oct 19, 2003
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stihl dealer here has ordered (none in stock) a gasket for my 090 three times now...all have came in bent with a small cut in the bend...none in the same says I can't make a gasket that will hold...his sure won't either...any ideas from ya'll..?
Gas tank Gasket:

I haven't done much work on Stihl saws, but have a C-51 Homelite that I had to take the tank apart to clean. There was no gasket that I could see, just some sort of sealer. I cleaned the tank, cleaned the mating surfaces and used a thin bead of some black RTV silicone sealer ( the type use of GM products for various engine gaskets) to seal the tank. I cleaned up the tank edges, applied a thin smear of sealant to both halves and screwed them together and let them sit over night to cure. haven't seen any leaks or seapage from it after putting it back together. Just a thought, if you wanted to try it. Take care. Lewis.
I gave that some thought Lewis...I was thinking more in the line of garlock or some such...
Tank Gasket:

All I can say is that the Black RTV silcone sealant worked for me. I have some stuff called "All Seal" which is a contact cement and adhesive that can be used on automotive applications, including gas tanks to seal them if there leaking. The only problem is it take 6 to 8 hrs to cure at 70 degrees F.. I used it to make the carburetor diaphragms for my Disston, D0-101, saw. It says it's not affected by gas, oil or most solvents. I use it as an adhesive on those diaphragms and so far its worked. Had the saw runnig last Saturday and she runs just fine. I'm not familiar with the Garlock name you mentioned. Lewis.
I would suggest this sealer for gasoline. It flat out works. The silicone will sometimes desolve and/or swell with petroleum products. Take one of the broken gaskets and fix it with this. It will hold just fine (see picture). Mike
I recently put together a tank on a mac 250, they are magnesium. It originally had a gasket, but I just used Hondabond hightemp. It hasn't leaked in 2 months it's been together.