gas tank repair 455 husky J-B weld ???

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ArboristSite Operative
Oct 26, 2008
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north NJ near pa.
husky 455 guy said the Handel was bent . picked up on ebay . said it still run,s but they dropped a tree on it and it bent the handle. So I won the bid it show,s up the handle was bent and a 1 inch by 1 1/4 inch hole in the gas tank. so it will run as long as you put a small amount of fuel and point the bar down and do not move. pulled it a part looks like the gas tank is part of the whole case.that was not the answer I was looking for!!!! I was hoping you could just buy a tank with the handle but S.O.L. I fixed the handle it was a easy fix . now this is where I was hoping for some feed back . I cleaned the tank with paint thinner to get the grease off and then used a dremmel to sand the surface and rough up the plastic I used some plastic from a gas tank for the hole. I put a plastic bag in the gas tank on the chainsaw to hold it in place. I used J-B weld then used another piece of plastic from a gas can on the out side and more J-B weld let dry 4 hours . so then just went around the edges of the new repair with more J-B .So do you know if the J-B will hold? Should I give it a extra day to let it cure . Is there some kind of ex poxy - glue that I should put on the inside of the tank that may hold up to the gas better then the J-B weld? Anyone who as fixed a plastic gas tank or as the information I would be grateful for your advice. thanks for your time. Bill :confused:
i'd suspect that the j-b will not adhere to your tank. if for no other reason than because paint thinner leaves a residue. next time try acetone. not sure whether or not j-b actually sticks to plastic or not?:confused:
well after going through some threads the choice was J-B weld or gorilla glue. so i,m hoping the J-B will hold or I guess you have to change the whole case. :dizzy:
I've used Jb with no problems. Had some automotive gas tank repair stuff that was a little thicker and darker I used on a hole in an ms310 tank with great results. Not positive how long its good for because I didn't keep it.
I have been using seal-all for my tank repairs. I think the big box stores sell it along with some hardware stores. It's made for repairing fuel tanks and is packaged in a toothpaste type tube. It dries very hard, is clear, and starts to skin over immediately.
I've seen plenty of gas tanks repaired with JB weld and they seem to hold up pretty good.

Preperation is everything. The surface should be perfectly clean and roughed up. Hairline cracks should be ground to a V shape with a Dremel. Use regular JB Weld vs JB Quick and mix equal portions of the resin and hardener. Let the repair cure for at least 24 hrs. Sometimes it helps to overlap repairs with a second layer.
If the JB weld doesnt hold up, consider using a fiberglass repair kit.
I had a hole in an old plastic tank on an old mower. The local saw shop told me to use fiberglass,and it worked great. Made the repair over 5 years ago, and it still holds up fine.
JB Weld is an epoxy. It will stick like crazy to polyester.I would be surprised if it wouldn't stick to the plastic tank.

Like the man says if you could use epoxy and wet out two pieces of glass, something like 1708, and press them together from the inside and outside it would probably be tougher than the tank was to start with.
thanks for all the infield experience. I went to the J_B weld site and it say,s it will cure in water and gasoline so that is good but nothing beats the time TEST thanks again.:computer2:

I am speaking from motorcycle experience here but there is a product called pro-tec. It is a thick liquid. Used properly, it coats the inside of old rusty gas tanks and is impervious to fuel. It also fills pin holes up to 1/8 ". At least that's my experience. I often thought if I had to do what you just did to a gas tank, I'd pro-tec the inside just to give the JB weld some double protection. That way the JB weld does it's job structurally, and the pro-tec seals, which is it's job. I think that repair would be bullet proof. Good Luck.
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You need to buy a dead CS for parts and replaced the damaged plastic parts that form the gas tank. That should be cheaper than going to the dealer for those parts.

"Repairing" the hole is going to get you a nasty fire.

My 2¢
filled up with gas last night ran it let it sit over night she is holding well . but we will see after a tree or two what it will do . I did take my time and did not try to take any short cuts so I hope to get a few years out of her. thanks for all your help Bill:biggrinbounce2: