Gas Tank

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ArboristSite Operative
Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Illinois
Most of you have probably already seen this, but if not, check out Baileys and take a look at the little gas can they sell that has 2 tanks in 1. It holds gas in one side and bar oil in the other so you only have to carry 1 tank around. I ordered one and its really nice. Has saved me a lot of headache.
They do look very handy. Can't remember where I've seen them. Now that you reminded me about it, I'll have to go buy one!
That would be this one.

I've looked at them for sale other places and the only thing that's kept me from buying one is the way the accordion-style spouts store inside the tanks, and don't have caps on them to enable leaving them installed for normal use.  I've never been able to envision a happy experience using the spouts after they've been coated with oil or oily gas, and it doesn't seem reasonable to stick them back in after they've been used in the field, either.
My current gas can has the same spout arrangment, and I actually like it. You just have to watch out for a faceful of gas if you open an at least half full can on a hot sunny day and forget to bleed off the pressure using the vent!
glens, you were thinking just like me!! After using the can for 1 day, I quickly realized the spout system was not going to work. So I went to wal mart and bought different spouts with caps. Problem solved ;)
I don't like mine. It's been sitting in the corner like a red headed step-child for so long that I can't even remember why I didn't like it.
I love the "ventless" spouts. Now that I have them I have no desire to ever buy another fuel can without them. The 2 cans in one has appeal for cutting in the woods where you need to "wag" a can around all day. For my purposes(Tree service) a two gallon gan of fuel and a gallon of oil stay on the truck and the saw goes to the truck for fuel.