Gave the ole holzhausen a try

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Mar 15, 2008
Reaction score
North Central Ohio
Too wet too cut. Fiskars split every nonpunky, noncrotchy log on the lot. Not enough time to carve some upside down Paul Bunyan legs in my yard. So I guess it's time to get back to my German roots and give the ole holzhausen a whack. Here's what I came up with after way too much time and too few German beers:
The dog doesn't seem that impressed. Good exercise if nothing else, and did make the chore of wood stacking a little more fun.
Looks nice.
German beer is the only way to go. I'm partial to Tucher Dunkel although the Kristal ain't bad either.
Nice, been thinking of doing one. Heard good and bad.

Let us know in 3-4 months if still standing all pretty like it is now....
I'm guessing not. Ground is pretty squishy but we'll see. I'm curious to see if it truly seasons any faster. It's ash so not a big deal either way. My brother thinks it will make a nice rabbit hutch close to my garden though! Cat is a good rabbit hunter. Dog not so much.
Too wet too cut. Fiskars split every nonpunky, noncrotchy log on the lot. Not enough time to carve some upside down Paul Bunyan legs in my yard. So I guess it's time to get back to my German roots and give the ole holzhausen a whack. Here's what I came up with after way too much time and too few German beers:
View attachment 412394
The dog doesn't seem that impressed. Good exercise if nothing else, and did make the chore of wood stacking a little more fun.
About what diameter would you say the base is?
About what diameter would you say the base is?

I did minimal research before I started and one site I found said to use a four foot radius. He also put two cross braces in about halfway up so I used a couple 8' 4x4 pieces I had laying in the yard from a used up row and my eyeball was spot on for once! 8' diameter. Small rounds make the prettiest holzhausens. My big 2' honkers for my woodfurnace don't stack as nice but they sure build up faster!
I did minimal research before I started and one site I found said to use a four foot radius. He also put two cross braces in about halfway up so I used a couple 8' 4x4 pieces I had laying in the yard from a used up row and my eyeball was spot on for once! 8' diameter. Small rounds make the prettiest holzhausens. My big 2' honkers for my woodfurnace don't stack as nice but they sure build up faster!
Looks good! May have to try it if I finally start stockpiling some wood.
I'm guessing not. Ground is pretty squishy but we'll see. I'm curious to see if it truly seasons any faster. It's ash so not a big deal either way. My brother thinks it will make a nice rabbit hutch close to my garden though! Cat is a good rabbit hunter. Dog not so much.
perhaps time for a new dog?? lol. jk.

I caught a ground squirrel one day, tried to get sam, (German shepherd) to eliminate the ground squirrel threat. he was reluctant and confused to say the least... sister came home with (muffin) her 7lb mini Pomeranian. That tiny lil Pomeranian ran to that ground squirrel, grabbed it, shook it, and eliminated the threat... I was shocked... as was the sam, who then decided he enjoyed catching ground squirrels. I couldn't stop him from hunting after that day. lol... Good dogs!!!
It's done in Europe to conserve space because they don't have large plots of land like we do in us . They are known to fall over a lot and the other issue is they don't season wood uniformly . Nothing is better than single row along a fence row
It's done in Europe to conserve space because they don't have large plots of land like we do in us . They are known to fall over a lot and the other issue is they don't season wood uniformly . Nothing is better than single row along a fence row

My understanding of the construction of them is the construction is supposed to help draw the air as a chimney affect, thus causing the wood to dry faster than a normal stacking. Someone else with some better info or experience please jump in. I did build one just because but won't waste the time again.

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