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ArboristSite Operative
Dec 24, 2004
Reaction score
Fayetteville Georgia
not sure if this has been talked about lately but i'm curious? who uses gps here? what do you recommend?
is that a good one? i like the radio and communication aspects, my dad will be getting one if i tell him thats the way we should go.
please if you say this is not a good one tell me why, or why i should get it. also i think it could help on jobs.
We have a garmin 2110 for the boat and a garmin hand held to use on jobs. What are you going to use it for? The 2110 is pricey but you can buy chips that can take you all over the world. We currently have the chip for south florida and the bahamas.
As acurate as some of the better models are I've thought that it would be a good way to mark tree locations. Any thoughts on that application?
that looks like a good unit. i have a garmin GPSMAP76, an older model. the only complaint that i have with it is the antenna. i occasionaly venture into the woods in search of big trees (there are still a few patches of old growth in the Big Thicket Nat'l Preserve) and i use my gps to mark lattitude and longitude of the location of the tree when i find it so i can locate it again and chart its growth. by doing this, i can estimate the tree's age. satellite reception on my unit is often lost under the canopy of the Big Thicket, but it gets the job done. i have seen surveyors with hand held antennas for their gps who still had problems maintaining a signal under the canopy. btw, what will you be using it for? just curious. the radio and barameter are nice extras too.
I used to survey and even with RTK, which is a system using 2 very powerfull gps recievers and a shortwave radio to comunicate between the 2 you have touble in the bush.
I did a thread on this subject not to long ago ,i'm using a NAVMAN 150,lots of guy's on here are using GPS,most like me are very happy with there chosen peice of kit,no doubt they'll all tell you what they are using
My gps experience is limited to the pre-installed GPS function on my nextel phone. It only gives lon-lat coordinated. I will be getting beta software from Trimble outdoors to try a UTM software. They said it might be 2 months before it's ready. I'll let you know when I get it!

well nick i was hoping for better update i've been following your thread on another site.
i plan to use for lots of things, camping, everyday driving to address's i've never been too(from what i understand that one i picked has optional street maps) radio would be good when my dad gets one, emergency channels well thats a no brainer i think, marking me x marks me spot where me buried treasures buried argh, and the compass and the altimeter and cuz i like toys

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