Gypo Logger: Madman or Monk?

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Hi Tech Redneck
Nov 5, 2001
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Well, actually both and neither. Those of you on this board that haven't met John Lambert are really missing out on a one man adventure in life. John and I didn't meet face to face until I sat down next to him at Clearwater and offered him a slug of Remy, but we'd talked for many hours on the phone before that. I'd have to say that one of John's best talents is his keen
understanding of human nature. Within minutes of meeting him, you'll feel like you've known him forever. What you see is what you get: extremely knowlegeable, well read, no BS, no excuses and best of all, not a bad bone in his body.
Talking to KDhotsaw

Excuse the poor quality of this shot. It was taken at about 2:00 AM PST by an alterego of mine when we decided to get Ken Dunn out of bed.
4:00 AM

Dennis and I came to an abrupt realization that John had decided to pack it in at some time. Dennis dragged his lazy a$$ out of bed for some more libation.
With the axe

With a woodsman's axe rather than a racing unit, cutting through a log like this will wear you right out. John stayed with it for over two hours and a count-verified 3245 chops until it was done. While he barely avoided cutting off the side of his foot (only half way through the boot), Miss Manitoba did have to perform CPR, mouth-to-mouth resusitation and finally a direct intravenous 3 liter per minute drip of Bud canadian to get him jump started again afterwards.
One of a few

John finally gets one of a many prizes for his efforts. Says he, "Not as good a vocalist as my singing bass trophy, but mouths were made to do many things, eh?"
Re: One of a few

Originally posted by dbabcock
John finally gets one of a many prizes for his efforts. Says he, "Not as good a vocalist as my singing bass trophy, but mouths were made to do many things, eh?"
Nice shirt gypo lol.
With a perfect balance of both Madman and Monk, John is not at all like what we have read in many posts, he is a gentle very kind person, with a desire to be everyones friend...................even Babcock!!!! Johnboy its been my Pleasure!!
Looking foward to the Clearwater Reunion. Jon