Gypo takes his last dive....

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Eat your hearts out

Hey Guys, all my arbor admirers, Gypo is the man, can any of you guess what I sent him in the mail, come on now...use your imagination!!

Love you

P.S. Especially my Babs!!
Hi Cinnamon, I'm not sure, but whatever it is I hope gypo shows it to me. Could it be new chainsaw?
John's brother John
Hi Sugar Plum, you have me very curious now, I cant wait. Is it something I can eat, something I can wear? Maybe something I can take in my lunch box to the bush?
Whatever it is my little squaw, I will cherish it forever.
OK... I was down at the Eager Beaver/City Hall tavern most of the night and was looking for the infamous (cinnanmen girl) Since I lost her cell # that gypo SOLD to me, I could not find her. I did wear my famous Predator V8 hat, but stihl went un-noticed. Maybe I need a longer bar.
Good work CB! I was thinking of sending Zyp a present myself, but backed off when I realized that he probably wouldn't want to eat them. I think you should send yourself to Leroy.

Maybe it is something that you can wear and eat. I still have to ponder the "dive" implication. Sometimes I dive.

Baron Von Munchason
I know what it is. We did a 3 way (conversation) one nite on the phone when it was being mentioned....Rick

Creep on loggin':eek:
ok i dont get what is going on hear will someone please explane it to me are thease 2 like h/w i dont get it maybe its that i cant think on the dead friday but hmm please just explan

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