Hearthstone Equinox install pics

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ArboristSite Lurker
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Western Ma.
Hello guys,
Awhile back I had asked a few questions concerning the Hearthstone Equinox stove, it's been installed and running in the new kitchen for about two months now.:) Thanks for the help. Here are a couple of pictures.



Nice beast of a stove! What kind of wood are you burning & how long are you getting usefull heat(stove top temps above 300)?

Thanks for the compliments! The addition has been a long haul, I started cutting the Timber frame two years a go. When you are doing most of the work by your self progress tends to be very slow.
I love this stove so far, I am used to running a big old Lopi (also a great stove). I have a stove pipe thermometer on the top surface of the soap stone, it seems to burn best between 400 and 600 degrees it has been as high as 700 once when I fell asleep at the helm.
As far as what type of wood I'm burning I have chord wood and slabs but I really like burning slabs from the saw mill. They are easy for the kids to handle and if you stack them tight in the stove they will burn a long time. The slabs and chord wood is mostly made up of Cherry, Maple. Ash, Red Oak, Beach & Birch. The longest burn time yet was about 11.5 hours the stove top temp. was 200 degrees and I still had enough coals to get it going again.

Thanks again.
Looks nice, I like the nice wide window in the front. Couple questions for you: does it have an ash pan? How long is the firebox?

I've been burning a Heartstone II for 20 years, and I know I should replace it some day. For the life of me, I can never get the stovetop temp anywhere near what you are getting. Maybe the fact its a non-cat is why? I assume your's has a cat? Even when we lost power and used the stove to cook, I could barely get soup to boil on it.

Then again, my room is small and tight, and 400+ on the stove top would probably be too much.


Yes it has an ash pan, the specs say it will take up to a 24" log the total fire box volume is four cubic ft. The Equinox has secondary air tubes, no cat. I'm not a big believer in thermometers. I've pretty much burned wood all my life and this is the first EPA stove I've ever had. I bought this thermometer just to get an idea what it was doing.

Tim I am burning a vintage H1. The big diff between the old HS stoves & the new epa ones are the secondary burn tubes. My H1 has one 1" tube, the new Mansfield has 3 & I am guessing that the EQ has 3-4. I am going to tinker with mine this summer & re-configure a new secondary and add two more tubes. Nothing permanent, so I can swap it back if the performance suffers. I do think that with more tubes the burn temp & time should be higher/longer.

13 last night, loaded at Midnight, had a big bed of coals this morn(8am) & a 220 surface temp. Not bad for a old smoke dragon............


I worked for a Hearthstone dealer back in the mid 80's - loved that H1 in Brown and Brown, thats why I bought my H2 the same way. I have the same 1" pipe for secondary air. I don't think it does much for a secondary burn. My stove was made in 1988, just before the EPA regs went into effect. It came with a cutout in the top baffle for a cat to retrofit. I always thought that modified baffle compromised my stove somewhat. But heck, 20 yrs later and 100 full cord later, it still work swell for us.

I am somewhat concerned that if I ever replace it, a new stove in that small room (9X19) will be too hot all the time.

I finally sold the H1 brownstone with enamel that we had on display. The guy came in and measured it about once a week for a couple of months and just had to have it. The room he put it in was probably small enough for a H2 to overheat. I couldn't talk him out of it.

Place looks great, I love the wood beams! My stove also has the air tubes in the top of the fire box, I love the way it burns, very efficient. My stove also burns between 400 and 600 degrees, I go to bed at 10:00 pm and at 4:45, it's still around 400 with more then just coals.
Motorseven, That's what time I get up to go to work! I have over an hours ride to get to work. I have to be at work by 7:00 and unfortunately, I live in an area that traffic sucks and you can't get anywhere fast!! On the weekends, I'll sleep in till 7:30, 8:00, and the stove still has a nice bed of coals, and a surface temp. of around 200.
I could only wish! Unfortunatly, I'm part of that large group in this country that greed has stolen our retirements! You know we must give it all to cooperate America so they can have 10 yachts to ski behind!! Yeah we should be saving $2500.00 a month as so we can retire someday, but we've got to eat and try to get the kids edjumacated!!

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