I have a Stihl 041 that I purchased new in 1980 and it has been a great running saw with little maintenance until recently. I started having a problem with it loading up and flooding when idling after running it with a heavy load. Whenever I let it idle down it would stop running and was impossible to start. I would then have to remove the spark plug (it was dry) and blow compressed air into the chamber, it would then start right back up w/o choking. I installed a Tillotson brand carburetor kit, but I’m still having the same problem. Also, if I start it up cold and just let it idle, after a few minutes, it’ll start to slow down from running too rich and then clear itself out. Then shortly afterward it’ll start to slow down again from running too lean. To keep it from stalling, I have to sit there and keep adjusting the L screw back and forth to keep the mixture correct. The screws that hold the spacer on under the carburetor are tight and have never been out so I don’t think there is any air leakage there and besides that wouldn't cause it to flood out. I’m sure it’s a carburetor problem but don’t know what to do. Does anyone have any ideas?