Help with 028 Stihl

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ArboristSite Lurker
Apr 1, 2006
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I was playing with my 028 super woodboss today. I took it to my dealer the other day and they said it could not be fixed. Well I got it runing in 10 min. It will run for 5 or so min then die. I took the cyl. off to check everything out. The piston and cyl. are scored on the exhaust side. They have some bad grooves in them. The saw is in good shape other than that. I am going to try to find a new cyl. and piston for it. Do any of you have any suggestions how I can make more power. Everyone keeps talking about muffler mods and porting. What can be done. I noticed a divider in the middle of the intake port on the cyl. what is that supposed to do? any advice would be appreciated.
I'd just replace the piston, and cylinder if it needs it. Maybe some minor muffler work, but that's it. The "super" is a nice saw as is..

yes, the "divider" is supposed to be in place - it helps direct the intake evenly in the cylinder. The super piston is domed in the center, so be sure to find the right one.
THe cyl. looks good except for the exhaust side. It is scored on the exhaust side. How much is too much. Also what do I need to do the muffler?
Cylinder : hard question to answer unless I can see it... so a search on cylinder scoring and "honing"... lot's of good info. Many of the cylinders can be saved. Can you post a picture?

All that needed on the muffler is an increase in the outlet size, but don't bother until the saw is running.