help with hydraulic oil question

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ArboristSite Member
Dec 13, 2008
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Happy New Year to All! I recently purchased a Timberwolf TW-5 splitter,The weather has been so cold that the guage on the machine is in the red,no leaks just thicking of the hydraulic oil, Timberwolf recommends Rando 46 Texaco Hydraulic oil. I have been to Autozone,napa,tsc. I cannot find it or anything with 46. I want to get a 5 gallon bucket for future use, just want to add a quart or two? Does anyone know of other brands that is equal to this to this brand? I don't know much on hydraulic oils, Is there a chart or something I can look for a different brand same quality??? help Birddog1:confused:
best bet is find a local oil supplier you know the guys that deliver in bulk they will have it back in my mobile lube days i was amazed at all the special oil these guys carry in there wherehouses. your local retail outlets more than likely will not have napa maybe but check the jobber supplie houses first.
OK , there are alot of different weight Hyd. oils avail. but the three most common ones are -- 32AW ( 10wt.) , 46AW ( 15wt. ) and 68AW ( 20WT )

If your in a pretty cold area there would be no problem switching over to the 32 aw , its just a little thinner .

These numbers 32aw , 46aw ,68aw are universal among all brands , there will be different branded names like your Rando , Gulf oil Co.would be called Harmony they all have there branded name but the numbers and weights are the same . the AW after the number means anti wear and is a good thing ,The 32 is considered light weight , 46 medium and 68 heavy weight . Also Dexron III ATF can be a good replacement for some equipment in cold weather . GOOD LUCK
Re Hydraulic Oil

So far what I gather is Rando 46 Texaco that is recommended , 46 is the weight or grade of the oil correct? regardless of brand name 46aw would be a 15 wt. oil with anti wear ingredients added to oil,I assume it would be ok to add a quart or to to bring up the level a little if its a different brand as long as it is 46 aw, or can I add a quart or two of thinner 32 aw to 46aw to thin it all down? or just stick to 46 grade? thanks in advance! Birddog1 :clap:
I just recently changed out my fluid to Dexron III because of the cold weather start ups, and I just changed out my pump and needed new fluid. After pricing both the AW32, and DexronIII, price was moot, $10.00 a gallon for both. My splitter runs and starts up easier with the thinner viscosity fluid. Just my 2 cents worth.
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Its fine to add some lighter weight oil such as the 32 aw to your 46aw , that would help thin it down a little , we do it all the time in reverse with worn hyd. cylinders, go to a heavier weight to slow down the leaks .
Some of our dumps don't work well in cold weather so we have to drain some of the heavy weight out and add Brad Penn Dielectric Blue Hyrdro oil. Stuff is like water and really helps. Have used ATF before but Dielectri works better.Gets down to -20 and have had no problems.
There's a Gulf product called HVI 26 it has the widest temp range of the Hyd. fluids , bucket trucks use it in cold weather so that they don't get that jerky operation with men in the bucket at extended heights , its kind of expensive and I have only seen it in 55 gal. drums , logging trucks like it also for there log loaders ( cherry pickers) . The temp range of this oil is unbelievable it can be used from very cold temps up through hotter temps.
Not too many brands of 2 stage pumps out there,but barnes runs past 18 yrs for me on Walmart brand auto tranny fluid in the gallon jug. About $9/gallon now.Hydro fluid takes too long to warm up in cold weather.
i use transmission fluid...dexIII.

i start the thing up and let it idle for about 10 minutes when using it in cold weather.

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