Okay, here goes. The yellowing of the needles in areas you see is probably normal. Hemlocks shed needles every Spring and Fall and that is the way it appears. It can be heavier from time to time.
I am in Asheville, NC and we have been dealing with Hemlock Wooley Adelgid (HWA) for awhile now. Do a search on the internet and you'll find a photo of it. The long and the short of it is that you would see the eggs forming in the Spring and the Fall. They are found at the base of the needles along the twig and look like tufts of cotton. Yes the crawlers are pretty tough to see. The eggs are easy to spot. I don't know if you have HWA in your area yet, but I do know it is in the Smokies, Western NC, North GA and further North. There are other pests of Hemlocks as well.
My company is currently working with the Park Service treating for HWA and doing research. You should find treatment info on the internet as well. I would discourage the use of soaps or sprays in general. Soil injection works very well and is my preference, we use Zenith ( a cheaper version of Merit ). If it is near water we use trunk injections of Imicide, which is a Mauget product.
If treating you should not treat every year (merit soil treatments). If you read the label you will find that Merit will have a residual of ~18 months. I have seen it last as long as 3 years. When treating trees for pests you should always do some monitoring, never go on automatic.
I hope that's clear as mud! If I can help with info let me know.