Anybody who has ever messed with these carburetors will know what I am talking about here:
So, ok. back together, and head out to the wood pile. Saw won't start. Won't even pop.
Pull the plug, dry as a Nabisco cracker. Ok. No fuel. It isn't pulling from the tank.
Back to the bench. Took it apart, all looks good. Try it again. Still nothing.
Back to the bench and look it all over AGAIN. This time I had a idea. You should have seen this 
carburetor with metering diaphram and needle removed, pump cover installed.
Little hose into a cap full of fuel, another hose to the operator. me. Keep messing with it, pulsations cause the diaphram to wiggle, and I can see if the fuel is moving. More messing with it. Eventually, I get it to prime, and squirt out the other side!
Put it back together, and it started. Took it to the wood pile and blocked out a tank. This saw has not run this strong in awhile.
Never ran into that before, but if I ever do again I will build a small pulse motor, would not take much...