My apologies if I'm getting off topic, but I really want to ask woojr about his 410 experiences. You said it was a flop. Did you mean in sales or that it was a poorly conceived saw? I picked one up a few months ago and am in the process of restoring it. I know its basically a Solo and that its a bit heavy for a 4 ci saw. I'd love to hear any stories you could share about it or any other Homelites, especially the 360 and larger pro series.
Wow, its been along time ago. In fact, I might still have it stored away somewhere. At the time, I used it for firewood cutting. Set up with a 24 inch bar and Oregon full chisel chain, cut hardwoods from 1-2 feet in diameter. It seemed like it ran out of fuel and oil really fast. Don't recall the size of the tanks, but the cap positions were poorly laid out (next to each other). Had some problems with the fuel system but again don't recall the details. At that time I also sold Pioneer and Dolmar saws. I used the Farmsaw and P-41 and set the 410 aside (where it apparently still remains).
In general, it never performed that well for the cost and I was always stopping to fuel or fix it.
I used to service a 650 (I think or maybe a 550) for a guy who owned a small sawmill. It was a bear. He was hard on equip't. It had allot of torque and was a smooth runner. He also had a 360 which I worked out a few times and like it. In fact I don't remember them needing more than starter repairs and sprockets.
I have allot of Homelite manuals and some parts. If you're interested maybe we can work something out (that 410's around some place too...)
Wish my memory was better on the 410 details. I just know I was very disappointed with it. Have a good one, John