This Homelite EZ won't turn over. I can't seem to figure it out. Is it still under warranty? How much is a new jug and piston in case that is the problem?
The EZ is a good lil saw, but I sold it to somebody who sold it to somebody else who let somebody else use it with the muffler rattling and it inhaled the bolt.
Anyway, here's my favourite falling saws.
jokers ,
thanks for the clarification, with the blurry pic from the equipment vibration, i wasn't sure if it was running rich or the anti-vibe was worn out.
Hi Jonathan, yes it is. I'm ashamed, they broke it, it was the saw of saws. It's my fault for parting with it. Will you fix it for me? I'll pay you what you need.
Just take the screw out and it will probably start right up again. Those old Homelites were like tanks, they can take a screwing and keep on going, not like the delicate modern plastic Stihls'
I took out the bolt, but the piston and exhaust port were dented. It won't turn over now. I wonder how long that bolt bounced around in there before it fell on top of a moving piston?