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Made a little progress:

  • Pressure tested crankcase.  Clamshell housing and crank seals were 99% good.  There was a single tiny air bubble every 15 seconds or so coming out of one tiny spot along the clamshell housing seam.  Decided to leave it with how little of a leak it was.
  • Lapped the fuel pump side of the carb and got 2/3 of the warp out.  It was pretty extreme to start with and got to the point where any more sanding would have uncovered one of the carb passages underneath.  After reassembling and tightening that single screw down an INSANE amount, the leaking slowed down a lot.  Not great, but maybe 30-45 seconds per psi from 9 psi down to about 6 psi where it slowed down some more.
  • Saw still acts a bit funny periodically, but overall running much better and doesn't die out at idle anymore.  Managed to get it tuned decently too.  Tried to do a test cut, but the chain on it is so dull it's hard to evaluate.  Didn't seem like it was bogging down, but wasn't really biting in either.

I made a new oil tank cap gasket out of the Felpro cork-rubber, but regardless of how tight the cap/gasket are on there, oil still slowly oozes out during operation.  Very frustrating and open to suggestions.  Are the oil tanks with the female threaded caps interchangeable with mine (like here)?

Also, the oiler appears to be functioning, but here's my oil line routing just in case.

