I have a honey bee hive in the wall of my house and would like to know how to get rid of them.
I was thinking about setting up my shop vac at the entrance at night then during the day when they are active I can turn it on and suck them up. If I beat on the inside wall they will come out of the hive in huge number giving me a good chance of getting a lot of them. Once I get there numbers down I can knock a hole in the wall and toss in some bug bombs and maybe get the rest. Any other ideas?
I just got hammered when I got to close mowing the yard.
I was thinking about setting up my shop vac at the entrance at night then during the day when they are active I can turn it on and suck them up. If I beat on the inside wall they will come out of the hive in huge number giving me a good chance of getting a lot of them. Once I get there numbers down I can knock a hole in the wall and toss in some bug bombs and maybe get the rest. Any other ideas?
I just got hammered when I got to close mowing the yard.