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The 3rd Annual

International Arboriculture Summit

Caring For Our Subtropical Trees

Hong Kong, November 18-21, 2010

Hosted by Asia Tree Preservation, Ltd. and Suen Douh Camp

Download the full brochure here:

Professor Edward Gilman

Associate Professor, University of Florida- Environmental Horticulture Department, Gainesville, FL, United States

Ed Gilman received his doctorate from Rutgers University. He has been on the faculty of the Environmental Horticulture Department at the University of Florida–Gainesville as professor since 1986. He teaches arboriculture and conducts research on planting and pruning. He is the author of six books on trees and landscape plants, many software programs, and websites that have received numerous awards. Gilman wrote An Illustrated Guide to Pruning, which is in its second edition. He is a past president of ISA’s Florida Chapter. He has received an Author’s Citation, an Award for Excellence in Arboricultural Education, and an Award for Arboricultural Research from ISA. Gilman has published more than 70 peer-reviewed journal articles in his 30 years in academia and industry.

Professor Brian Kane

Massachusetts Arborists Association,  Professor of Commercial Arboriculture, University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Dr. Kane is an ISA Certified Arborist and Tree Climber Specialist who studies tree biomechanics and tree worker safety. He is vice-chair of the ISA’s Science and Research Committee and an associate editor for Arboriculture & Urban Forestry.  Brian has competed in 4 New England Tree Climbing Championships, placing fourth in 2006.

Steve Nimz

Steve is the chief consulting arborist for Steve Nimz & Associates, LLC, a consulting arborist service based in Honolulu, Hawaii.  Steve specializes in tropical tree appraisal, hazard evaluation, tree preservation and protection plans, disease diagnosis, and treatment programs.  He is a Certified Arborist, Municipal Specialist, and Tree Risk Assessor and has a degree in Tropical Agriculture.  He is also a member of the American Society of Consulting Arborists.

Terrence Flanagan

Terry Flanagan is a career arborist with more than 30 years in the industry. He began his career in the Boston, Massachusetts area, but also worked in Colorado before settling into Oregon for the bulk of his career.  Terry is a Board Certified Master Arborist and has served ISA in several capacities. He has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2000, and has served as a member of the Certification Board of Directors since 2005. He is chair of Tree Risk Qualification Panel of Experts, and in 2012 he will serve as the chair of the 2012 Portland ISA International Conference.


Frank Rinn

Frank Rinn of Heidelberg, Germany is the Executive Director of ISA Germany.  He is also owner of RINNTECH, where measurement devices for tree and timber inspection are developed, applied, and sold to tree/wood scientists and experts from various disciplines.  Frank developed the first electronic needle drill resistance machines in 1986, and holds a corresponding patent from 1990.  He has been recognized internationally for his advancements in technical wood analysis, and has received four innovation awards for his contribution to the industry.

Jörg Wohn

Jörg Wohn is a landscape engineer who is specialized in tree cabling and the traffic safety of trees. Since 2004 he is working for pbs Baumsicherungsprodukte GmbH in Stuttgart (Germany) the home of the cobra tree cabling system. He is responsible for the product development as well as for the customer and wholesaler support. 2008 he started to organize workshops and began to train arborists and wholesalers in the use of the cobra cabling system.

Lawrence Chau, Ph.D. (to be confirmed)

Dr. Chau is Head of the Tree Management Office, Greening, Landscape, and Tree Management Section of Hong Kong’s Development Bureau.  As a plant ecologist by training Lawrence has been researching native plant conservation for more than 20 years. Working on urban greening, arboriculture and tree management since 2003 he is a member of the Old and Valuable Tree Expert Group of LCSD; member of the Community Involvement Committee on Greening of the Home Affairs Bureau and Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong People’s Council for Sustainable Development. He is also a Certified Arborist.

Professor Cecil Konijnendijk

A Dutch national based in Denmark, Cecil Konijnendijk has studied and promoted the role of trees and woodland in urban societies throughout his career, the social and cultural importance of green spaces forming his special interest. After employment as a researcher with Wageningen University, the European Forest Institute and the Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, Cecil set up woodSCAPE consult in 2004.  Cecil is co-founder and present editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. He has authored several books, including ‘The Forest and the City: The cultural landscape of urban woodlands’, published by Springer in 2008.

Will Koomjian and Brian French of Ascending the Giants

Ascending the Giants is an ongoing series of expeditions lead by two arborists, Brian French and Will Koomjian, to measure the largest tree of each species. These trees demonstrate the pinnacle of what a species can be; they are called champion trees.  Will and Brian are Certified Arborists, Tree Risk Assessors, and Climber Specialists.  They’ll be offering a special series of training in Hong Kong in November, 2010.
