Updating some lost photos: @turnkey4099 home made hookaroon:I did much the same but the handle pulled right out of the pipe after a bit of use. 2nd version has been in service around 8 years with not problem.
I made a hookaroon a couple years ago from an old axe (because I like wood handles) and love it.
Then I made one of Harry’s Hooks a year ago. About 6.5 ft of closet pole. I cut a flat on the left side the length of the rod, so I can orient it with my fingers without looking. Love it. Just used it two days ago to unload the trailer inside topper. Saves the knees crawling up into the trailer.
They all look great!
Here's the one I made out of a HD cheapo axe handle after the head fell off (I was surprised it lasted as long as it did with the small amount of handle in the head, then just epoxy filled)
It works awesome, I use it all the time now
I do need to make one longer though , to reach in the back of the truck.