How I build my Log Hauler

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ArboristSite Lurker
Aug 29, 2007
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Lets start off with a little background info. I have wanted to build this log hauler for about 2 years. I got the steel from work. It was scrap that they were taking to the scrapyard. The axle and the tires were free from a parted out trailer. My dad got them from an old utility trailer at work. The hauler is eventually going to be used to haul pine trees to build a log cabin and when I say eventually I mean in 5-15 years, as I am 26. You have to start somewhere so I started here with the hauler. Below are some of the 100 pictures I took from start to finish. I go to school full time and work so I only work on it a little at a time. It is made of 2x2x1/4 inch steel tubing and ¼ inch steel plate.

I found the blueprint for the hauler from some Home and Garden website a while back. Got the pieces cut and had them sitting in the garage for at least a year. I bought the welder (harbor freight) but it works well for what I want. This is the first thing I have ever welded. Luckily for me between my dad and uncle there is 60 years experience welding. So heres the pictures:

This is me laying out the pieces to be welded.

This is the front part all welded up.

The arch part all welded up.

The legs are out at a 100 degree angle so the ends have to be cut to match.

The ends of the axle cut off.

Axle welded to the ¼ inch plate then welded to the leg.

Welding the two halfs together.

Capping off the open ends.
All welded together and finally on its feet!

The axle and hub before being cleaned.

After a good cleaning and scrubbing and sanding.

Bearing sand caps all cleaned up.

Painted black

Greasing the bearings

Axle and hub painted and put back together…greased and ready to go!
Got the wheels on it.

Hitch Welded on the front.

Attached to the ATV!

So this is as of today. It will be painted yellow to match the ATV that will be towing it. I also have a tractor Kubota 4200 4x4 if the ATV wont pull the big stuff. This thing is heavy duty and should be just fine to pull logs. I have one upnorth now that needs moved. As soon as it is done being built ill take the hauler north and test it out with pictures and video of course. Enjoy!
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