I'm waiting to see if it will dry out a bit. The sun is out here. It is more of a splitting job now. Due to the oak stuff, it looks like I have enough and more firewood for next winter.
I went to what is called, Fun in the Forest last Saturday. The marketing talk was quite interesting. A guy in the audience asked about where a 15 foot dbh Sitka Spruce could be marketed. After making sure it was diameter, and not circumference, the speaker answered that the best thing to do is advertise it in the Seattle area for a "sponsor" and sell it standing...you'd put a plaque or some sort of recognition for the sponsor(s) on it.
He said yes, a mill would buy it but it wouldn't be worth anything extra and in fact, a penalty might be put on because of the size.
The rest of the classes were a bit elementary. But a good review. The DNR was handing out a book with lots of pictures on Forest Practices. I have one now.