Back in the early seventies I worked on Skyworkers for four or five years. Several of the trucks that came through our shop had killed their operators. This equipment was all hand made and no two parts were the same, not interchangeable. We had to modify almost every single part to get it to fit before we could install it.
The company that manufactured this equipment got it's start manufacturing refrigeration equipment, I never heard how they move into manufacturing cherry pickers.
I personally saw many problems in the design of this equipment mostly caused by cost cutting measures. I saw upper boom piston cylinder rod end nuts go from a nut that was 1 ½" inch thick to one that was about ½" inch thick. I brought this to the shop owners attention and was told to mind my own business.
From what I was told the company owner designed these units himself and he wasn't even an engineer.
The tree guys loved these units because they were so maneuverable but as soon as I took one of them apart I refused to ride in them even to test them out after repairing them.