Huh ?

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All I can think of is Bill Engvall saying "Here's your sign" after each post...

Anybody who vaccums minimal sawdust is a landscaper.They try to get "one up" on the tree guys.A real segregated community around here.

after a large job removing many dead elms in someones garden the owner comes out and says. that job looks really dangerous, the insurance must cost a lot. the boss replies with, it does but we dont bother. her face was a picture as we burst out laughing, luckily she had a sense of humour

We had a new climber one day so I put him up the easiest tree to see what he could do.2nd cut he rips the electric wire right off the house.Customer,who is about 70, opens the window which is right next to the tree and starts gasping,clutching his throat and says his respirator is off because of the power being out.Thankfully he only let us sweat for a few seconds before he started laughing, he got a real kick out of it.They arent all bad.
Greg, that's funny ! ... Most of my customers are the absolute greatest; everything from large tips to fixing us gourmet lunches... mostly it's their respect & appreciation. This thread was just meant for fun, and it has been :) Thanx all for sharing ! Maybe it's time for a new thread ??? .... "The best customer I ever had..." ??? One of the best I ever had was an old lady by the name of Hattie. She had us 'round once a year for maintenance tree work, made us awesome Polish food, and told great stories over lunch at her kitchen table. It never felt like we were wasting time (sitting around chatting), it felt more like we were all connected and part of the human race. Cool.
One More For Ya Treechick, I Go To Bid A Large Been Dead Forever Norway Maple. Home Owner Says Take It Down Please, No Problem Sir Be Out In A Few Days To Take Care Of It. A Micro Burst As They Call It Here, Comes Through And Drops A Limb On To The Owners Visiting Daughters Jaguar. The Owner Calls My House And Starts Yelling At My Wife Cause His Lil Girl Parked Under The Dead Tree And Now Her Cars Ruined, He Insists Im Responsible Cause I Bid On It Before This Happened, I Should Of Known That Limb Would Fall Off!! I Call Him Back To Give Him Sum Whatfor, Everything Seems Resolved Upon Showing Up To Do The Tree The Home Owner States I Know Its Dead But Weve Decided To Give It A Chance. A Chance For What I Ask??? (confused & Amazed). To See, He Says. Ooook! Needless To Say Two Weeks Later I Get The Call Cause Now It Droped Limbs And Broke Their Fence, These Folks Were Weird But Paid Well And They Claimed They Were Educated.. Go Figure Doug Lxt......................
lxt said:
One More For Ya Treechick, I Go To Bid A Large Been Dead Forever Norway Maple. Home Owner Says Take It Down Please, No Problem Sir Be Out In A Few Days To Take Care Of It. A Micro Burst As They Call It Here, Comes Through And Drops A Limb On To The Owners Visiting Daughters Jaguar. The Owner Calls My House And Starts Yelling At My Wife Cause His Lil Girl Parked Under The Dead Tree And Now Her Cars Ruined, He Insists Im Responsible Cause I Bid On It Before This Happened, I Should Of Known That Limb Would Fall Off!! I Call Him Back To Give Him Sum Whatfor, Everything Seems Resolved Upon Showing Up To Do The Tree The Home Owner States I Know Its Dead But Weve Decided To Give It A Chance. A Chance For What I Ask??? (confused & Amazed). To See, He Says. Ooook! Needless To Say Two Weeks Later I Get The Call Cause Now It Droped Limbs And Broke Their Fence, These Folks Were Weird But Paid Well And They Claimed They Were Educated.. Go Figure Doug Lxt......................

And There Ya Go Again.

Every Word In Title Case.

Ain't that a PITA? :p
lxt said:
These Folks Were Weird But Paid Well And They Claimed They Were Educated.. Go Figure

Plenty of educated morons out there. I went to college with lots of them. Book smarts don't prepare most for real life. And I never saw a course for introductory common sense offered at a college.
did some maintenance on some maple and oak trees with my climbing gear and the customer was wondering why I used a ranger and not my spurs to prune a mature hawthorn tree that was the smallest tree of all
ok blaster just for you ill use lower case in the future, or should i use crayon??? ha!!!! be safe,take care DOUG,LXT(<ooopps)
Another, from today:

Customer came home, and walks up to Newfie and I. I'm still in full gear- saddle, gaffs, helmet, etc.

Looks at me and says "What'd you do, climb up there?"

Without missing a beat I replied...

"Nope. I used my levitation skateboard."

Removed a 50 foot Maple with a large column of decay, about 50% decay, but a full crown. Tree surrounded by 20 ft arborvites and 4ft rodies. No drop zone below the tree to speak of. Climb set up a speed line to corner of property, and start taking out the crown. Owner is right there watching the whole thing. First branch about 15 ft. long good balance with sling and ******. Slides perfect my guys drop it right on target. Owner about 60 years old ,hi-fives my ground guys, and says" I wondered how you were going to get that down".
Do about 15 pieces the same way no problem. Next piece catches one of the arborvites and swings wide nicks side if house and leaves a two inch mark. Owner says " guess you can't make an omlet without breaking a few eggs". Brings out a can of paint, polesaw tape and a brush mark is fixed in 5 minutes. After the job find out owner has done some serious mountain climbing over the last few years, K2 and others.
Talked for a half hour about rope ascenders, saddles etc. Great guy and a great client.

Corey :)
Finally go tback to work today after messing around with my truck for the last two weeks. Almost done deadwooding a 40' green ash and the customer comes out to ask me about another tree on their property. About 20' of the ground are like 3 or 4 dead branches that rub on the roof and she want s them cut off. No problem, theres lots of thick growth around them and I can't make a good cut without climbing and as overgrown as these trees are its going to be a ????? to climb up there. Figured I'd charge her for 1/2 hour. I tell her the price and she says, oh well if its going to cost more then don't bother. I said okay I won't.
This is kinda funny...unless you were me! The other day I was at a friends house removing some limbs off his neighbors tree that were over hanging his garage. While working from the garage roof, an older gentleman (neighbor) approached from his back yard and asked if I would take a few branches down on the other side of his/same tree. Before I could answer, an older woman (neighbors wife), approached from the driveway of my friends property and started busting my chops because I was killing her tree and demanded that I stop immediately! Both the husband & wife were hard of hearing and a six foot privacy fence separated the properties so you could just imagine what I was going through. My buddy was watching all this from inside his house and was laughing his a$$ off! Here's me on the roof caught in the middle, :dizzy: ! HC
worked all day on a land clearing...(guy spent 2 mil on a house in the woods, he don't want trees anymore) we get home, crack a few cold ones....MR CHANG calls up... decieded he was gonna cut a limb down over the house....realized it would crash into the house.. he was on a step ladder,, and after 8 cuts,, he was about half through before he stopped..what a mess...just unloaded every thing,, put it all back in the truck,,ran over there.... climber /boss was gonna whack him for $200...100 for a emergancy call,, 100 so he'd never pull that stunt again....ended up banging the guy for 100 .. we worked for the guy before,,, would have been a 30-40 dollar job,, if he had called...

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