Stihl Crazy Sponsor
It was raining here today so I went for a trip to a Husky dealer an hour from here. He is 70 years old and just has a small shop. As a retired mink rancher (millionaire) the shop was just a way to have some company drop in. He sells Husky and Dolmar. In 1997 I bought 2-246's from him, at the time he said that he had 2 more somewhere in the basement. I asked him today if he knew of any 246/242 parts saws, he said no but he thought he still had 2 new ones in the basement. While I was there he found a new 246 and he is going to call tonight if he finds the 246 G ( heated handles ). Looks like I am getting two new 10 year old saws. The 242/246 is my favorite saw of all that I have owned.