Husky 350 and 353 jug question

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Dec 19, 2005
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I was wondering if a 353 jug and piston will work on a 350..I did some checking on the IPL's it seems it will work fine.. But I called Bailey's and talked to a tech and they did not recommend it..Is it becouse the crankcase is plastic on a 350 and the 353 is metal??? Do to stress on the crankcase?? or what???

I would really appreciate input on this matter....

Thanks for looking :cheers:
I think the Bailey guy was correct.The plastic crankcase would not be up to par for the increase of power and probably increased heat transfer to plastic case due to increased horsepower.It will cause the bearing to became loose in the case or premature air leak around the plastic cage for the bearings.
HiOctane that would be the only thing I think of to.. Was the stress and heat transfer being more from a 53cc engine compared to 50cc engine.. I don't know what else it could be...

Thanks for the reply :cheers:
The latest version of the 350 has the same displacement as the 353 (51.7 cc), and only .1 kW less power.
The older 350s had 49.4 cc, but the same outut in kW as the new ones.

I find it unlikely that the .1kW difference will cause any heat issues, but what do I know.......:cheers:
SawTroll said:
The latest version of the 350 has the same displacement as the 353 (51.7 cc), and only .1 kW less power.
The older 350s had 49.4 cc, but the same outut in kW as the new ones.

I find it unlikely that the .1kW difference will cause any heat issues, but what do I know.......:cheers:
You could be right Sawtroll,but i dont trust those plastic cases,ive seen many,not on 350 tho,on smaller cheap saws with deformed case by heat and the saw got air leak then,the guy had to buy another saw.
....... I don't see much point in doing it anyway, for a .1 kW gain.

It is not the engine and power that is the main reason to get a 353 over a 350.:rolleyes:
The only reason I was going to put on a 353 jug and piston.. It was only 4 bucks more then a 350's..

Thanks for all the reply's :cheers:
pehaps I am mistaken but I think plastic CRANKCASE is a misnomer. On the homeowner saws I have seen with the horizontally split crankcase the crankcase is metal and the gas tank oil tank and handles that enshroud the motor are plastic. which would yield the same longevity but not be as durable as far as impact. I also would like to know the truth with a side to side comparison of the 350,351 and 353 jugs. I think it is odd that the 351 had a displacement of 49.4cc which is what the 350 was. Then the 353 came out with a 52cc displacement and soon the 350 followed. Sure the 350 was derated from the "pro" models but who could tell a .1hp difference?

buck futter said:
pehaps I am mistaken but I think plastic CRANKCASE is a misnomer. On the homeowner saws I have seen with the horizontally split crankcase the crankcase is metal and the gas tank oil tank and handles that enshroud the motor are plastic. which would yield the same longevity but not be as durable as far as impact. I also would like to know the truth with a side to side comparison of the 350,351 and 353 jugs. I think it is odd that the 351 had a displacement of 49.4cc which is what the 350 was. Then the 353 came out with a 52cc displacement and soon the 350 followed. Sure the 350 was derated from the "pro" models but who could tell a .1hp difference?

350 and 351 has the same part number for cyl and piston.The carb is the same model but with a different part # due probably due to epa jetting.
HiOctane said:
You could be right Sawtroll,but i dont trust those plastic cases,ive seen many,not on 350 tho,on smaller cheap saws with deformed case by heat and the saw got air leak then,the guy had to buy another saw.

This is correct and I have seen it myself. Also, if the muffler loosens up, which can happen on any saw, the exhaust will burn a hole right through the case. I've seen that happen to more than one 350.
spike60 said:
This is correct and I have seen it myself. Also, if the muffler loosens up, which can happen on any saw, the exhaust will burn a hole right through the case. I've seen that happen to more than one 350.
You right ,ive seen that too,melted plastic.