Hi guys. Still having issues with my first gen (2012) 562XP stalling off idle when hot.
The saw will pass a pressure and vac test (carb removed), but I think I have a small air leak, maybe around the carb. I have a new intake, Intermediate Wall and Carb Flange on order but the flange wont be in until February 2023!!! And I think it is the flange that I really need to be replacing because I can kill the saw with brake clean sprayed by where the carb meets the intake pipe. All these parts have had several revisions since this saw was made so I suspect Husky found problems there.
Anyways, I took the saw to a local dealer to get the Firmware flashed, carb electronics tested (TPS etc) and any old codes read.
I was told the Firmware 1.0.18 I have was the most current for my setup which surprised me. That firmware was installed over 4 years ago IIRC. Carb is a El46 329a. Coil is 584 61 70-01b
As to codes, He said I have Code 17 (Low Idle, Bad Acceleration, Maximum Lean) , 39 times. Which seems to jive with my problems. Ill also attach the screen shots as well.
The dealer wasnt super confident in diag. the 562 nor Autotune in general. What do you guys think?

The saw will pass a pressure and vac test (carb removed), but I think I have a small air leak, maybe around the carb. I have a new intake, Intermediate Wall and Carb Flange on order but the flange wont be in until February 2023!!! And I think it is the flange that I really need to be replacing because I can kill the saw with brake clean sprayed by where the carb meets the intake pipe. All these parts have had several revisions since this saw was made so I suspect Husky found problems there.
Anyways, I took the saw to a local dealer to get the Firmware flashed, carb electronics tested (TPS etc) and any old codes read.
I was told the Firmware 1.0.18 I have was the most current for my setup which surprised me. That firmware was installed over 4 years ago IIRC. Carb is a El46 329a. Coil is 584 61 70-01b
As to codes, He said I have Code 17 (Low Idle, Bad Acceleration, Maximum Lean) , 39 times. Which seems to jive with my problems. Ill also attach the screen shots as well.
The dealer wasnt super confident in diag. the 562 nor Autotune in general. What do you guys think?