ArboristSite Member
Out of curiousty, has anyone else's T540xp experience been a little... Ehhhhh, Less than what they had expected? I am just wondering, because about two months in and 6 hundred and some odd dollars poorer... I'm feelin a lil jipped. Mine seems to just shut off at times after cuts, require quite a few pulls most of the time for a restart AFTER said shut off, and if it sits for more than oh I dunno five minutes??? Cutting power is definately not always what I seen on some vids and read about being so impressive on threads. I dunno. Is this just me? Or did I get a lemon orrrrrr????? At first I thought it seemed rad but, meh, now it's not seeming very worth it. And for all the complaining about 201's and such, my supervisor has one that starts damn near first pull every time, (even cold), cuts great, and for Christ sake definately doesn't just shut off... after a cut... So I'm wondering if I shouldn't have just went with one of those instead. And I know, I know... This top handle saw issue is rediculously full of opinions and such. But seriously??? This just doesn't seem right at all you know?