Hey guys working on a vintage 266se for one of you to buy . I have an ipl for a 266 but I cannot find these grommets anywhere on it. Doesnt even show a gromet going into the tank. Its very basic and nkt complete. I feel like they must have come on this saw like the 288 has?! Never done one of these se models before. So as you can see I found the grommet for the fuel line into the tank. I have the grommet for the impulse but the one for the fuel line going into the chassis I do not have nor can I seem to find a part # or even just Google the part. Only aftermarket comes up and I dunno if it's even right. The other is the gromet/boot for the Throttle lever. Maybe this saw didn't have these but any help or info is appreciated I need these asap if they do exist... this saw needs to feed my fat fat dog lol