Husqvarna 335FR or Stihl FS250?

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May 24, 2010
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Anyone have experience with Husqvarna's 335FR and a Stihl FS250 brushcutter that could compare the two? Both appear to be very good on paper. There's a lot of info here on the Stihl FS250, but info on the 335FR is pretty scarce.

I'm looking to buy one or the other (handlebar version) for clearing deer hunting shooting lanes, keeping the perimeter edge of a couple small fields cleared back (3-400 yard perimeter) each, and keeping the treeline of our country home acreage cleared back. thanks for your input.
I have run several husky trimmers, but not the 335. I will say that they are strong runners, even the low end ones. I was not terribly impressed with the throttle setup on several of the ones I have worked on in the shop. They get worn and cannot be adjusted to attain full throttle without replacing the entire throttle assy/guide.

As far as I am concerned, the 250 is the best trimmer money can buy. It is light enough to use around the house, and strong enough to do clearing work with.
Those Stihls lack a bit in AV and handle design, but otherwise they are very good. I never have tried that Husky, as it wasn't available when I needed a trimmer/brushcutter that size. I ended up with the FS200, which has the same power as the 250, but from slightly less cc. All is fine, except I need to wear a thick glove on the right hand when using it.
I WANT a FS250 really..really bad..!!

I just can't afford it right now as I really don't

My 31cc Honda (equiv..FS110) does everything I need it to do just great..

But I WANT the FS250..!!..:msp_love:..:cry:
Anyone have experience with Husqvarna's 335FR and a Stihl FS250 brushcutter that could compare the two? Both appear to be very good on paper. There's a lot of info here on the Stihl FS250, but info on the 335FR is pretty scarce.

The 335FR doesn't even come up on the US site for me. I see a 336 and a 345. The 345 looks like a beast. Unfortunately there is no weight listed.

Cool stuff, but... at 13.9 pounds, I'll pass on the FS250 (13.2 for the non-bike-handle version). My KM110R with string trimmer is heavy enough at a combined 12.5 pounds. It also does everything I need it to do, though like the KenJax's 326LS, it is not in the same class.

My dad has the FS450 clearing saw. I used it to clear about 1/4 acre of woods. It works really well, except I always found myself having to shut down, unhook, move cut brush away, start up, re hook, and continue on. The most productive way is to have a "brush chaser" helper removing as you cut. However it is extremely dangerous, the helper's legs are at a high risk. Consequently, I bought a KM130R and use the chisel blade and depth stop guard designed for the 250. By myself I feel much more efficient without the shoulder harness and bike handles. Although, the manufacturer will say its too dangerous to operate in this manner. Do so at your own risk.
I've no FS250 experience, but KM130 power is plenty, in fact I run it half throttle most of the time. Good luck and BE CAREFULL!
My dad has the FS450 clearing saw. I used it to clear about 1/4 acre of woods. It works really well, except I always found myself having to shut down, unhook, move cut brush away, start up, re hook, and continue on. The most productive way is to have a "brush chaser" helper removing as you cut. However it is extremely dangerous, the helper's legs are at a high risk. Consequently, I bought a KM130R and use the chisel blade and depth stop guard designed for the 250. By myself I feel much more efficient without the shoulder harness and bike handles. Although, the manufacturer will say its too dangerous to operate in this manner. Do so at your own risk.
I've no FS250 experience, but KM130 power is plenty, in fact I run it half throttle most of the time. Good luck and BE CAREFULL!

Well, the 130 is weaker than the 200/250, as I remember it - but I never run the FS200 at half throttle....:msp_rolleyes:
Cool stuff, but... at 13.9 pounds, I'll pass on the FS250 (13.2 for the non-bike-handle version). My KM110R with string trimmer is heavy enough at a combined 12.5 pounds. It also does everything I need it to do, though like the KenJax's 326LS, it is not in the same class.
HF are totally right...and as said my Honda 31cc - (FS110) - does every thing I need it to do.

But I had a PRO work crew at a close site to me and I heard this awesome sound..had to know what it was..

A FS250 and the dude let me run it for a couple minutes...It was like riding "Secretariat"...just freaking awesome...!!!

You just have to run one to believe it..!!..It's the only true 2-stroke that Stihl makes in the big trimmers / brushcutters.

From Stihl 'topdawgs'..."We'd discontinue it if there wasn't such a strong demand for it from mostly old timers"

I'll have one day..even if I have to rob a bank to do it...LOL..!! - Really I'm hoping next spring..!!..??

My old back ain't gonna like it...but enough Ibuprofen and Aleve...should maybe buy me an hour or so..!!..??
Well, the 130 is weaker than the 200/250, as I remember it - but I never run the FS200 at half throttle....:msp_rolleyes:

If you've never run a four mix before, they run pretty good at half throttle. At full throttle, the 1.9 hp feels unruly. The FS 250's 2.1 hp should feel smoother. :msp_rolleyes:
No experience with the comparision, but another voice to sing the praises of the 250. I bought mine 2 years ago to clear about 1000' of perimeter on some property I purchased. Depending on the vegetation, I used the chisel tooth blade, a tri-cut blade, the plastic knife head, and the string head. It is absolutely a beast with all-I actually help my brother trim on his 80 acres just for the fun of using it!!


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