Mike, nice to hear you've at least had a chance to run one...none of them anywhere near the west coast yet, I assume.
Have you run a 335 much? The 338 is rated at either 2.2 or 2.3 hp..I've seen both figures, the 335 was 2.2.... so not much difference. My guess is it should be a good runner, though. Keep in mind it will break in and run better. Plus, my modded second generation saw, was doggy when stock...it had less power than the oldies. At least do a muffler mod, that alone will gain 15-25% in power.
My latest 335 is not stock, and has been an 020 killer for it's 1.5 yr life...
Most of my first generation 335's idled pretty much alright. The main issue is starting, especially hot, needing to rechoke and crank a bunch. The modded saw, being second generation, and modded, is pretty good, but not as good as I would like. So I am wanting a 338, as I'm hoping it is a bit more fine tuned.
I heard it had a compression release....what a waste on a little saw.