Husqvarna 350 Chain Tensioner

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Feb 15, 2022
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Saw has been losing tension so opened her up. Anything amiss with this tensioner? Anything missing?
Check this out. What’s with the rut where the adjuster rides on the case. Wonder what caused that? Tightening nuts without the nub fully into the hole in the bar?
******* move. I don’t think it’s terminal, though the adjuster nub can now ride lower in that rut so could continue to be a problem.
It's amazing to me how complicated these chain tension devices have become in an all-out effort to move the adjustment screw from the left front to the side of the case and/or not on the side panel. I suppose this is progress, but I have to wonder. Note how small the screw head is on this design. I also wrestle with it.
I’m trying this as a final solution. Will see if this side adjuster doesn’t disappoint.
It’s pretty common for the 350/346 style tensioners to form a tapered lip in the adjuster right under where the screwdriver slot is. That is what has happened to yours and rather than being tapered, it formed a sharp ledge and the ledge is actually preventing it from fitting completely into the bar. It’s pushing the tensioner into the case when you tighten the bar nuts down. It’s from tensioning your chain before you have the clutch cover slid in all the way.
I’m not sure how a guy would fix that slot that’s worn into your case. An alternative would be to put a 455 clutch cover on it. Those have the adjuster in the cover itself and that worn spot would be a non-issue
I’m trying this as a final solution. Will see if this side adjuster doesn’t disappoint.
View attachment 968619
What model Stihl is that? I’m a husky guy but I’d like to try out a good pro model stihl one day for cracks and giggles, I’ve only ever worked on homeowner model stihls. First stihl pro saw I bought for a project was a 261 that believed to just need a top end, but turns out the crankshaft was snapped in half along with the piston and cylinder being roasted, so I guess it’ll make a good parts saw…
It's the plastic that gives up as you can see and then you lose tension, best bet would be to "upgrade" to the Husky 455 clutch cover. It's something I'm fixing to do to my 350 when I can find a decent condition cover.
What model Stihl is that? I’m a husky guy but I’d like to try out a good pro model stihl one day for cracks and giggles, I’ve only ever worked on homeowner model stihls
The new Stihl is a 291. Can't comment on whether its an awesome saw because I'm not a seasoned veteran saw pro like many of the guys here.
Was thinking of solutions. If one can figure out how to hold the case on a mill table then you could shave that smooshed rail down even with the depression. Then build up and smooth the backside of the adjuster with weld by the same amount. Not an engineering fix, but would start over. And perhaps get smooshed again.
Is part number 537286301 the correct 455 cover part number to fix this properly? If so then $65 (eBay) isn’t going to ruin me.

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