Husqvarna 55 (1991-2001) "Plain" -> Air Injection

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ArboristSite Lurker
Mar 6, 2024
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I'm pretty new to Husqvarna saws and I finally got my hands on a decent running 55. Good compression, runs like a charm, etc...however, I quickly discovered it seems to be an older model without air injection. I tried to search & google about the main differences between this and the newer models, but found no information whatsoever. Only these pics, which indicates it is an older saw (no decomp, different air filter, WT-170 carb, etc.).

To the point: I would like to convert this saw, if possible/reasonable, to an "air injected" one and wondering if that is even possible (should be according to the parts list) and has anyone experience of it/benefits?

Thanks for all your answers, eager to learn more! Pics can be sent if necessary....
Welcome to the forum!
If I’m correct there is a recess and bolt holes in the case for the plastic air injection piece to go, and it’s not on the older models, so if its not air injected, I don’t think it’s possible to put one on the case.

The top is a non air injected model and the bottom is a newer air injected model, and you can see the recessed hole and bolt holes that the plastic piece screws into hope this helps!
Welcome to the forum!
If I’m correct there is a recess and bolt holes in the case for the plastic air injection piece to go, and it’s not on the older models, so if its not air injected, I don’t think it’s possible to put one on the case.

The top is a non air injected model and the bottom is a newer air injected model, and you can see the recessed hole and bolt holes that the plastic piece screws into hope this helps!
View attachment 1159594
Super fast response with pics and everything, thank you so much! Seems indeed like it is not possible based on this pic. Do you have any idea about the performance, non-vs injected? Could not find any info regarding this either. It is an old saw, but feels so much more robust & quality compared to all the crappy 351,352,371, 842 etc Partner saws (I guess Poulan in the US) I have been fixing lately :). This one I'm keeping for myself ;)!
Do you have any idea about the performance, non-vs injected? Could not find any info regarding this either. It is an old saw, but feels so much more robust & quality compared to all the crappy 351,352,371, 842 etc Partner saws (I guess Poulan in the US) I have been fixing lately :). This one I'm keeping for myself ;)!
Watch this video....he is telling that saw become snappier after fuel filter and air injection mod...

55's cam in several different "flavors". The closed port versions will have the most power. I've owned half a dozen of the open-port variety and they run well but the power curve is smooth/flat compared to the CP versions. The CP love high RPM's and "raspy" power curve favoring upper RPM and top end power. I no longer own any of the open port 55's, sent them on down the road. Both CP 55's that I have have a compression release and a series of "+++++++" across the bottom of the cylinder where it meets the case on the clutch side. The also started using 3/8" bars and chains on them at some point, and many Rancher 55's had 20" bars/chains on them. They don't have the power for that much bar and fair much better with 18" bars in .325".....IMHO

Thanks for a prompt reply, already in love with this forum :). Well, it definitively doesn't have "+++++" on the side and no comp release either. This is definitively not snappy or "high rev", more like super flat, hence I guess open port.

Saw from the side, very good overall condition and 170PSI comp (not sure what these should be on a 55?), haven't stuck it yet into wood...

170psi is excellent telling you that the P/C isn't smoked in it.

Been decades since I did a compression test on either of my CP 55's but they are up there pretty high from what I can remember......
I find my closed port 55 to be my go-to saw for just around the house, starts easy, runs well.
If I am seriously cutting wood, I grab my 562 and 550.
But a 55 or even a 51 will always be near and dear to me.
Yes, it starts super easy without a primer bulb, kinda interesting! My plan is to familiarize myself with the 55 first, it has no finesses, simple saw with simple and robust parts. Then, maybe later move on to 3XX XP series and finally 550XP etc, that introduces autotune and other techniques I have no clue about yet.