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ArboristSite Operative
Feb 14, 2007
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Has anyone done any research on the "High Voltage Safety Act"?

Dominion Power shut me down on a job because the trees we were removing were too close to the primary. I called them for a service drop and then when they got there to see the project they said no cutting.

Their rule of thumb was to stand under the line, Take 3 large steps(10 feet) toward the work and go straight up from there.

Now then here is where it is in our favor. If they deem it to be "dangerous for removal", They cut the trees back to a safe working distance. And Dominion Power does it for FREE.

They actually saved us a lot of time even though we had to scramble to another job.

Something to look into.
I think that's pretty much the same for most power companies, that's the way it is here with Duke Energy, that's what I did a lot, cleared the power line for private companies, and, if I'm not mistaken you must be line clearance certified too work within that 10 foot of primary power lines.
Most of them figure it is cheaper to have a HV certified tree trimmer come out and do the work then risk having someone who thinks they know what they are doing take out the primaries.

I've been doing this for years. If it is anywhere near the lines I call for thier forestry to look at it. Sometimes it is a PITA because you will have a pile of cut an chuck jumbled up to clear away.

Last year I had a 3k removal and the client asked about a fir in the back yard. It was literally in the primaries so I called and it was just a stick below the wires with 2 piles of easy draging to clear out an few weeks later. It worked out well. We did it with the stumpgrindings of the big trees we craned out.
just obtain your LCTT(line clearance tree timmer certification) and you`ll find that the power companies will recommend you!! by the way the EHAP program will help but is not recognized by the utilities!!

I get a lot of work from the line clearance field because people are unhappy with the end result that the big companies leave them with.

I believe ANSI states 10ft for all non certified trimmers.

be safe take care. LXT..............
just obtain your LCTT(line clearance tree timmer certification) and you`ll find that the power companies will recommend you!! by the way the EHAP program will help but is not recognized by the utilities!!

I get a lot of work from the line clearance field because people are unhappy with the end result that the big companies leave them with.

I believe ANSI states 10ft for all non certified trimmers.

be safe take care. LXT..............

LXT: Is it possible to obtain the LCTT without employment in a public utility company? I've been interested, but ISA makes it look like the only route is through the utilities.
LXT: Is it possible to obtain the LCTT without employment in a public utility company? I've been interested, but ISA makes it look like the only route is through the utilities.

Welcome to the site. Go for it, remember, no second chances with power. B.C. Govt. certified utility arborist, the real deal.
industry, that surprises me! usually the New England states are real strict when it comes to certification. the EHAP course is very basic & no utility that I know will let you use it in place of LCTT(certification).

the LCTT cert.(govt issue as clearance stated) was mandated due to the risk involved, this certification requires a lenghty apprenticeship & knowledge of electrical facilities among otherthings.

the GOVT. LCTT is the real mccoy & yes you do have to work for a utility(as far as I know) I right know am training an apprentice B-rate he has 2 1/2 yrs and is still in need of training for his top rate(LCTT). it is a good cert. to have this IMO will take you farther than other certifications(just MO).

take care be safe

Appreciate it. Thought I would share this incase some guys didn't know about it.

On another note, It looks like I may go to work for the power company in the line dept. I am now just waiting on the background check to be completed before I can start. And will probally go to weekending tree work again. I am busy now but I am tired of starving every winter. We will see.

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