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Although we turn alot of work,doing dangerous removals and now taking on timber clearing jobs,I do not have a large operation.I currently have four guys working for me,and that does not include my wife on the rare occasion she gets to help me out.Three of my guys are all some of the best ground guys a climber could ask for,and one is currently learning to climb.The other guy is one of the best climbers I have ever had working for me.He has a good attitude,never lays out and does extraordinary good work.It's a little too wet around here today to accomplish too much,so I figured I would give my crew a much deserved day off.Before I could start calling them up this morning,my phone rang at a quarter til' seven...It was this climber I'm talking about,and he was calling me from jail.He would not tell me what he was there for,but said he'd probably be there a while.He said he would call back in a little while and let me know when they set his bail.I guess he was hinting that I come and bond him out....My wife is a police officer,a warrant officer at that,so she makes four or five trips to the jail per day hauling in prisoners,and she is gonna find out for me what the deal is...It seems like every time I finally get someone good,there is a catch.I'm looking for some insight here I guess.What should I do?Should I consider it a mistake and give him another chance,or should I cut my loses and begin the hunt for someone else?...I had to fire the last climber I had because he liked his beer a little too much.This is begining to get frustrating.:bang: :deadhorse: