My birthday is coming up in a week. My wife couldn't decide on what to get me. She finally said "How much is that chainsaw you've been talking about??? $700? Boy, that gave me a lot of leeway. I went that day and bought a Stihl 250, carrying case, extra chain and a couple of small containers for the oil/gas mix. I haven't used it a whole lot yet but I can't even tell you how much extra power it has compared to the Poulan Wildthing I had previously. The wildthing bogged down and the chain stopped in any wood of any size. My new saw didn't blink at the logs that caused my wildthing to bog down. The vibration is a whole lot less too. I thought about getting rid of the poulan but it came in handy this weekend when I had to cut out a stump from our chainlink fence. I would have cried to run my new saw/chain into the fence that the stump had grown around. I think I'll keep the old one to loan out if anyone asks as well as do the dirty work for which my new saw won't do if I can help it. I wish I had made the leap sooner. Next step is a new stihl weedeater!