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Mar 15, 2010
Reaction score
Saugatuck, Michigan
I've tried many many times to sign up at the Forestry Forum to read and share ideas. I'm done trying. This forum is much more user friendly. Many thanks to Arboristsite and those who contribute! My firewood business, though small time, is more efficient and enjoyable because of you all.
Had trouble registering. I guess two years of college wasn't enough. Seriously though, there was a guy on there wondering how to split more efficiently with a TW-5. I would have liked to share with him because there are a few tricks to make big rounds easier. One thing I did was have my four-way welded so it was more of a wing, or shelf, so the top two pieces do not topple over onto the extension grate. You simply slide them forward onto the beam or horizontal log lift. That really helped a lot, reducing walking and bending over to retrieve large splits from the extension grate. A pulp hook helps too. Split with the four-way in the lowest position. After the split raise the four-way, untrapping the lower splits, so they too can be pulled back to the beam or lift and resplit if needed, otherwise they have to be pushed through with another split and it is again more steps to retrieve them for resplitting. I have been using a SuperSplit, so switching to big wood this past winter was a bit of a change, and I did not like the TW-6 at first. I only use the TW for rounds too big to lift. To quarter with the TW and result with the SS was inefficient. Might as well noodle. So it pushed me to find a more efficient way to resplit with the TW-6.
It's no loss to not get in there... I (along with quite a few others) quit that place LONG ago, when they kept hosing the links to my picts., they want to own the picts you post, and restrict how you post them. No need to go to such a controlling forum, there's lot's of other good sites, including THIS one!

This topic came up a few weeks back. I'm not sure they are allowing anyone in there these days.
Some forums are more heavily moderated than this one. You have to apply for acceptance, and they are much fussier about the tone of comments, non-sponsor links, or product endorsements. Heavy focus on milling.


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