I want to do this as a career and a hobby, where do I start?

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New Member
Apr 19, 2011
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Hi, I've been climbing trees since I was about 6 years old, so that's a good 15 years experience.

Never knew their was professional tree climbing with ropes and harnesses. I want to get into this.

I can't find any classes in my area which teach you how to use this stuff. Is it possible to teach myself?

Also I'd like a career as a tree trimming technician. Can't find anywhere to learn that either, and everyone hiring on craigslist wants someone with some sort of experience.
Welcome to ArboristSite. I have learned a lot here, and I have been doing this longer than you have been alive. So read a lot of posts, and learn.

How old are you now? Advice on this topic will change according to your station in life. I am inferring that you mean that you are 21, but I won't jump to that conclusion.

If you are really serious, 21 years old, and in good health, buy a hard hat with hearing & face protection, good boots, gloves, and work clothes, and start putting in job applications at the local tree services. Offer to work for their minimum (inexperienced) wage until you can prove your worth. Show up ready to work, and do it once a week on monday morning.

You'll get hired within a month.

Watch some pro's, then keep hanging out at ArboristSite. You will develop more insight into what questions to ask.
That is a good bit of advice for the new guys. Much better than the greeting most newbys seem to get here.

To the OP. If you really think this kind of work is what you want to do, then I suggest you get a copy of the ANSI standards for tree work ( Z133.1-2006 ) and learn them. Look around at any company you are thinking about going to work for and compare their safety methods to the ones in the Z. Don't waste your time at places that don't follow the standards, life is dangerous enough already. Second get a copy of 'The Tree Climbers Companion' and learn the knots used for tying a rope to something and for quickly attaching a rope to another one so it can be pulled up to the climber. Third, get a copy of some arborists equipment catalogs or visit their sites online to learn what the equipment looks like and maybe some idea of what it is for.
Be prepared to wear out a few pairs of gloves just dragging brush or pulling a rake, before getting a chance to help on the ropes.
Last thing......be ready when the chance comes.
Welcome to ArboristSite. I have learned a lot here, and I have been doing this longer than you have been alive. So read a lot of posts, and learn.

How old are you now? Advice on this topic will change according to your station in life. I am inferring that you mean that you are 21, but I won't jump to that conclusion.

If you are really serious, 21 years old, and in good health, buy a hard hat with hearing & face protection, good boots, gloves, and work clothes, and start putting in job applications at the local tree services. Offer to work for their minimum (inexperienced) wage until you can prove your worth. Show up ready to work, and do it once a week on monday morning.

You'll get hired within a month.

Watch some pro's, then keep hanging out at ArboristSite. You will develop more insight into what questions to ask.
