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ArboristSite Operative
Oct 4, 2002
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Albuquerque NM
I was at my local Stihl dealership today, and joe spched (special ed) said that Husqvarna runs only one piston ring in their saws. I am curious if that is true, being a new husky owner (372). I really dont want to take my stuff apart to find out, anyone know?
While that may be true for some saws, I know it's not true for all of their models. I'm sure others can be much more specific, particularly about the 372.
My 335 and 346 are one ring saws.. I believe all current larger Huskys have two rings. The predecessor to the 372, the 371 had one ring, I think.

As long as tolerances are tight, and they are with the husky jugs, they seem to last plenty long...witness my old 154 which gave me lots of good use. One ring saws have a bit less friction and really rev up fast, and have lots of power. And when I broke down an old 335, everything looked good. It had been used quite a lot for three years.
It all depends on who you let modify your saw...All will work for a while though I have found that no rings and a generous dose of JB weld holds up the best.
RB nailed it. I have an old 268XP. It has one ring. After 15 years I had to replace the ring. Cheap designed junk!;)
371,372 rings

All of the 371 chain saws had a single ring piston.The first 372s also had a single ring,I think they wanted to use up some of there pistons they had on stock.All of the newer 372s have two rings.I thought all of the 371 concrete saws had the single ring but after looking in my Husky CD they do list two ring pistons for them.
I cant tell a difference in performance in the above saws whether they are stock or ported.The single ring might have a slight edge on performance and the two rings might have the edge on durability but they are so close that it is a non issue on normal saws.
The single ring on these saws are also thicker then the two ring design,it think the single is 1/2 mm thicker but its been a while since I have measured one.
ahh the way i look at it it is one more way for it to leak compression. whell i have a diston DO-101 and that thing has 5 rings. my big husky that i have has 300 hours on the origional rings and still is strong as when it was new and it has a dual ring setup.
I was merely curious, because the dealers around here use that as a way to sell Stihl, and to sway people from husky. Thanks, I think you answered my question. Also my junk rings on the 041AV are going on 20 years..:D