Insect nastiness

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ArboristSite Operative
Oct 22, 2004
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some talk of ants on "lets get this party started" got me wondering what kind of stories you guys have to tell about insect encounters. Or any kind of critters in the tree for that matter.
I had a big black catapiller get between my backpad and my back. I didn't know what was going on, I thought the groundies had gotten gas on my saddle. When I removed my saddle, there he was, all squished. A big chunk of skin turned black and sloughed off over the next couple weeks.

Ya'll ever seen those pretty red walking wasps that look like an ant? One stung me in my palm, and I learned a new level of pain that day.:(
In the tree is one thing, but the most pain I ever ran into was stacking logs from a pine I had dropped.

A nice bunch of yellow jackets :angry: erupted out of a hole in the ground, and I cannot remember a time when I have ran any faster, uttering a long string of profanity that even to this day escapes me. :angry:

I got revenge later that day thought - went back after dark and poured some two stroke mix down the hole and put a rock over the opening...:D
Originally posted by pbtree
I got revenge later that day thought - went back after dark and poured some two stroke mix down the hole and put a rock over the opening...:D


right i get the general drift about trolls / trolling but someone explain the exact meaning of it too me.

seems like BewtifulTreeMan is asking vagly ok questions.

if not prompt him to describe his lanyard that will show hes a pro, sort of.

worst nasty?

standard wasp, leaned on a log, thought thats a sharp bit of bark. looked at hand, wasp hanging out of it by its sting.....flicked it off. end of story.

managed to grab a squirrel once. it ran down the back and i reached over and grabbed got away the little git, was going to teach it to fly.

hawthorn is nasty

Wood wasps are nasty,they will bore into your hand & lay eggs & you will only think you been stung,That is until your hand swells up.

I agree with Jamie,Hawthorn is deadly to your hands & ropes.
Not an Insect though,
Hanging bats in a Pin Oak, but the good old speed saw takes care of them.
Originally posted by Husky288XP
Hanging bats in a Pin Oak, but the good old speed saw takes care of them.

Bats? Why are bats nasty? Jeez, its the bats that eat all the danged bugs you guys are complaining about. Don't kill the bats!
Bats are good, just like snakes. And my ex-neighbor should know, as his wife reminded me of both of them...:alien:

Actually, spiders are pretty cool, except for the lovely hobo spider and the brown recluse...
MB, you referred to the wingless wasp. The dreaded Velvet Ant a.k.a. cow killer. I learned as a kid not not f with them.
Yup, that's what I've heard them called... Velvet ant. Never heard cow killer, though. It paralyzed my hand for about 10 minutes, then it began to act more like a regular wasp sting. I guess a scorpion would be worse, or a black widow bite. But that velvet bugger will let you know when it gets you!:eek: